Main Clinic inside the Ogden Rescue Mission

2775 Wall Ave, Ogden UT 84401

Eye Clinic

539 24th Street, Ogden UT 84401

Seager Clinic: Providing Free Medical Care Since 1988

free medical care since 1988

Seager Clinic: Providing Free Medical Care Since 1988

For decades, the United States has struggled with the increasing problem of how to provide health care to those most in need of it; those who are uninsured, homeless, or that find themselves in other difficult circumstances. A group of doctors working on behalf of the National Library of Medicine published the results of a past study that looked into the unmet healthcare needs of homeless adults. The results showed that 73% of respondents reported having at least one unmet health need. This includes the inability to find access to necessary medical and dental care, lack of prescription medications, inadequate mental health care, and being unable to afford eyeglasses. The study states, “Clinically significant dental problems have been identified in two-thirds of homeless individuals, and nearly 40% have functional vision impairments.” Since our founding in 1988, Seager Memorial Clinic has worked diligently to help solve this problem by providing free medical services in Ogden to all of our patients. Our free medical clinic covers a variety of general healthcare needs, including medical, dental, vision, mental health care, pharmacy services, and more.

Who Do We Serve at Seager Clinic:

Over the years, Seager Clinic has assisted a wide variety of people in Weber County and other surrounding areas. In fact, 81% of our patients visit us from Weber County, 10% from Davis County, and other patients come from nearby areas such as Utah, Duschene, Salt Lake, Morgan, Box Elder, and Grand counties. Our mission is to ensure that all members of our community receive the health care they deserve. Last year, 55% of our patients reported that they had no insurance, and another 5% said they may have some form of insurance, but it is not enough to cover necessary medical expenses. 67% of our patients live beneath the federal poverty line. We do not screen our patients for income, residency, or citizenship status. Receiving basic health care is not something that all people struggle with on a regular basis, but we have friends, family, and neighbors in our community that need our support. It is important that we reach out and connect them to the resources they need so that all members of our community are taken care of.

How Volunteers Can Help:

None of our efforts would be possible without the extraordinary work and compassion we get from those who assist us as well. Currently, our clinic has over 200 volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants , dentists, nurses, medical assistants, phlebotomists, pharmacists, pharm techs, front desk, and others providing their efforts and time to help us treat so many families that find themselves in need of medical treatment when they would otherwise be unable to afford it. We are also thankful for the generous donations we receive to help pay for equipment, medical supplies, medications, and other necessities our nonprofit needs to help and reach out to the people we wish to serve. We have had many volunteers with us in the past, and we hope that many more will join our efforts in the future as we continue to provide the health care our patients need and deserve. The more who volunteer, the more we can spread our message and resources in providing our free healthcare services.

We work hard to spread the news about Seager Clinic by promoting our services by word-of-mouth, the Ogden Rescue Mission, local health care providers, the Internet, and other outlets. Since 1988, we have been able to help over 82,000 patients. We aided 2,193 patients in the year 2022, and our volunteers gave over 5,375 hours of their time to help members of their community last year. One of our volunteer physicians, Dr. Scott Swift, said, “The Seager Clinic has provided hope for the hopeless, care for the uncared for, and human touch for the untouchable. What an opportunity for those with no needs to interact with those with endless needs.” We at Seager Clinic are proud to provide a safety net for anyone struggling to access the traditional healthcare system due to any financial, social, mental health, or other barriers. We hope to continue our work for many years until everyone in Weber, Davis, and other counties in Utah, has access to any and all health care that they need.

For more information about our services or on how you can help, donate, and volunteer, visit our website and sign up to volunteer at our clinic today! Follow us on our social media platforms and check out our website to see what events are coming up!

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